Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

A.K.A. Ways to make life easier... or at least that is what 'they' say they will do.  For some memorizing shortcuts seems like just another way to waste time on the computer, and we all know that's not hard to do.  I mean ...all of those keys, so much to remember and the "long way" really so bad?!!  But, let's face it, shortcuts do perform the task required quickly and while they are definitely not for everyone, sometimes you come across one that feels like it was meant for you and really does prove to be a time saver.  So,  I have compiled a list of my friends favourite keyboard shortcuts for the Mac, in hope that you will find YOUR special shortcut, too.  Try these out!

Thanks to all those who contributed their ideas, your suggestions are appreciated!  If you have a special shortcut that you've found useful, please share it with others by commenting on this post.  For more Mac keyboard shortcuts, click here.

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