Sunday, September 5, 2010


Wordle is a tool for generating word clouds from text that you provide.  The words appearing more frequently in the text are given prominence.  Fonts, layouts and colours can be changed on clouds and the images created are yours to print or save.

Tips for integrating Wordle into the classroom:  Wordle would be a great tool to use with students at the beginning of the year to introduce themselves.  They can describe who they are and what they love and let Wordle do the rest.  Check out the example my son and I made above.  Print or post your Wordle's in the hallway or on a class website, for a great (and quick) gallery of student work...just in time for Meet the Teacher night! :)

Below is a slideshow with the how to's or Wordle.  This simple process can be completed in as little as the time it takes to copy and paste or type text into the word box.  Check it out!

Check out the slideshow below for more great ways to use Wordle in your classroom.


  1. I love this site and have already used it personally. I have seen bulletin board displays in my school using this idea and they look really cool.

  2. Wordle was so much fun, I passed it on to a teacher-friend and gave her the link to this site! Very exciting and so easy to use!
