Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Creating Video Recordings on the iPod Nano

This post is dedicated to interesting ways to use the iPod Nano to record video in your classroom.  If you are unsure how to record Video on the iPod, please take a minute to watch the clip below.

Tips for integrating video recording into your classroom:  As with audio recording, video recording has unlimited possibilities in the classroom from recording presentations and special events to creating documentaries on "A day in the life of..."  Here are few ideas for use at the different grade levels:

Kindergarten - Make a video alphabet.  Have each student create, draw, colour or decorate a different letter of the alphabet and record each of them sharing their creation and the letter name it represents.  Once all of the letters are added, upload the video to a class website or burn it to disk and send home for parents to review the alphabet with their children at home.

Grade 1 - Ask the students to video what they are doing or interview a friend explaining their favourite classroom activities.  Use the footage to share with parents at Parent-Teacher interviews or simply as a window for you into the learning experience of the kids in your class (they will talk differently when you are not around).

Grade 2 - Have students create a 'How To' video to share with parents and classmates (i.e. 'How to measure temperature or the length of the classroom).

Grade 3 - Have students create a Vlog (Video log) of the life cycle of a plant (potato plants).

Grade 4 - Studying explorers?  Have students dress up as an explorer and record them playing the role of their chosen explorer.  They could prepare a monologue to describe themselves and their explorations to share on video.

Grade 5 - Instead of the old fashioned book report, have students create and record a commercial for a book they just finished reading.

PE (I haven't forgot about you Courtney!) - Record students  performing dance or gymnastic routines for self or class evaluation.

So there you have it!  Ideas for using the video recording feature of the iPod Nano at all grade levels.  Craving more?  Check out the slide show below with 43 more interesting ways to use video recording in the classroom.

43 Interesting Ways To Use Your Pocket Video C

View more presentations from Seth Hansen.

Please take a minute to share your ideas for using video recording in the classroom by commenting on this post.  Thanks!

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